Monday, February 25, 2013

The Important of Our Stories

Since the beginning of time, beings have found creative ways of recording their experiences, their history really.  For some that “record” has come in the way of story-telling or passing along wisdom and experiences through spoken words.  For many indigenous peoples (and Gnomes), that’s still the way that information is passed from generation to generation.  In that way, when a story is told, we the listener can enter into it too through our inner self or imagination.

In ancient times, stories were recorded in stone, first through drawings and then in symbols or words.  Like the stories passed on through verbal story-telling, many of these records have withstood the test of time and the elements.  They are an incredible testament to the importance of keeping these records for all who come after us. 

Sometimes stories are recorded in the form of prayers, dance, songs or art.  For centuries people have also created written records of their experiences and in more modern times people often document moments in time with photographs.

Why is this important?

For one, stories carry the hard-won wisdom of those who have gone before us.  Even in our own lives we can look at past experiences and use what we’ve learned in present situations, if we remember.  Often times we are offered opportunities to re-learn a lesson when we forget to practice what we learned the first time around.  A record of some sort can help us to remember and perhaps avoid those lessons that come back time and time again. 

Stories can help us to make sense of experiences and give us glimpses of how others have embraced opportunities or overcome adversities.  They can offer us a new way of seeing the world, a different perspective.  Through stories we can find encouragement, inspiration, guidance, wisdom, delight.  In many ways, they have the ability to help us heal, to find within ourselves a place of balance and harmony.

Keeping such records of our experiences also helps us to preserve our personal and family history.  It’s important to know where we came from as this history offers us an opportunity to understand something about ourselves. 

For me, stories are like food.  They nourish my body, mind and spirit.  For years to come, when I tell the story of the red bird or look at the photograph I will be transported back to the moment he appeared as I was sitting with my friend.  My heart will well-up with joy, wonder and gratitude and for that moment my friend will be present with me even if she is far away.  And in sharing the photo or story with you, you may one day see a red bird yourself and be reminded of the photo and smile to yourself. 

Stories connect us with one another and help us recognize our One-ness.  We are more alike than different.

Take time to record what you experience today and tomorrow and for all time to come ~ tell your story~ draw, paint, photograph, sing, dance, pray, write down your insights, thoughts, feelings….

           Share what you’re learning….Reveal the beauty you see….

                                          Spread Joy!
               Peder and the Gnomes

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Winter Beauty


As the days begin to warm, we’ve been spending more time outside and so we don’t always get a message written each day.  The past few mornings it’s been very frosty out.  The trees have been wrapped in white crystal blankets.  It's really quite magnificent to behold. 

Even the squirrels have frost on their whiskers!!

My friend has a picture machine called a camera that records images.  It’s not quite the same as seeing things first hand but I do enjoy looking at the beautiful pictures.  When we Gnomes wish to record an image, we draw it or paint it.  Mostly though, we try to pay close attention and soak in the beauty that’s around us so the image becomes a part of our memory and in that way, we can think about it any time and we can see it clearly as if we’re right back in that moment.

Today, we wanted to share some of the images we’ve been recording.  Tomorrow, I want to tell you a little about why we believe it’s important to have some way of keeping a record of our experiences and telling our stories.

For now, please enjoy some of the beauty we witnessed as recorded in photos and Gnome paintings.

                    Be soaked in the beauty that surrounds you……..

                                                                   Peder and the Gnomes

Friday, February 22, 2013

Having a Positive Outlook

Dear friends,

I’ve been overjoyed by your emails and want to thank you.  Keep watch as I’ll include your questions and sharing soon. 

The question today is:  How can you keep a positive outlook when there are so many difficult challenges in the world?

Well, I think keeping a positive outlook has to do with a variety of things. 
In part it is a matter of perspective (how we view things, or what we chose to focus on.) 

Some of it is about perception (the impressions we have or what we sense about a situation or experience and the meaning or understanding we give it based on how we see it.)
And much of keeping a positive outlook is a matter of how we choose to respond.  I believe that for everything we encounter, we can choose to respond from a place of Love, Compassion, Creative solutions and Joyful anticipation (HOPE) or…. we can choose to react with fear, anxiety, resistance, self- protection.

Here are some suggestions that may help:

When you are afraid or overwhelmed or uncertain, try looking at things from a different perspective.

Consider your beliefs (much of how we see the world has to do with what we believe.)   Can we let go of old ideas and preconceived notions and look with fresh eyes.  Are we in touch with what is True?  Can we take in the BIG picture and “see” with all of our senses?  What would it be like to really “see” with an open heart without judging what we see or experience as right or wrong, good or bad, valuable or without worth?

You can choose at any moment how you want to respond.  Does your response light the way for greater understanding, connection and healing or does it build walls of separation? 

Think of every response in thought, word or action as a seed you are planting.  Are you planting seeds of Love, Compassion, Understanding, Acceptance, Joy…? 

                         See from a new perspective..... Be fully Present.....
                                                     Sow Love.....

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Song of Peace

The Song link below was sent by email with a message that simply says,

                       “Peace begins within each of us.”
Music is a wonderful way of Spreading Peace......and Joy!
Have a wonderful day!
Buckets of Love,

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


My name is Tomas and my good friend Peder asked if I would help him with a question he received.
This very thoughtful message and question came from Melanie:
            Good Morning Peder!
            I loved learning that silly is the same as Blessed.
            I’m curious….What does Peace mean to you in your world…
                                           what does a Peace experience look/feel like to you?
Dear Melanie and all who are gathering with us,
Peace for a Gnome is a way of life, a way of being.  It begins within us and comes from knowing who we are, Whose we are and not wanting to be anything other than that ~being in touch with our own true nature, our Divinity, our holiness.  It really has to do with being centered in one’s own heart and living out of that space.   Our heart guides our actions and our actions do make a difference.  We cannot experience Peace, encourage Peace, share Peace or work toward Peace in the World if we feel unrest within our own being.   
For Gnomes, Peace is the presence of Harmony, Acceptance, Gratitude and Happiness in our lives, and those qualities are so much a part of our being that we’re able to stand strong in Love when we’re faced with life’s challenges or conflicts.   When we’re truly at Peace there is no judgment or characterization of others or experiences as good or bad, right or wrong and in that sense what may appear as a challenge or conflict we see as an opportunity. 
We're very Peace-able folks.  It’s in our nature to live in harmony.   Peace for me is like having a star in my heart, always shining light on what is within and around me so that I see everything more clearly.  It’s an experience of being totally present and content in the moment and it feels warm, comforting, true. 
I love St Francis of Assisi and his prayer which reminds me that we're all instruments or vessels and we chose at every moment what we wish to convey or carry and what we send out into the world.  Send Peace!   
Thank you for your wonderful question.  I would love to hear the thoughts that any of you might wish to share.   If you’d like, you can comment below or send us an email at Peder’s address:   
I’ll close with the Prayer of St Francis and a painting of him by my friend Denise.
Deep Peace and Endless Joy!

Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury,pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen

Monday, February 18, 2013

Gnomes friends.

Greetings from the very cold and snowy Northland!  We’ve had a Blizzard here today and there are mountains of fresh white snow everywhere!  I’ve been snuggled inside with a cup of hot tea.  It’s my favorite thing to do on days like this.

Today seems like a good day to introduce all of you to two of my favorite friends, Tomas and He Who Leaps Long who are just two of the many Gnomes who live at Bolt Mountain Farm.  It’s a lovely place ~ truly a little bit of heaven on earth.  The flowers, birds and animals are all very well loved and have content, happy dispositions.  It’s quite something to see.

I first met Tomas and Leaps Long when I helped to paint their portraits many months ago.  From the beginning I thought they were extraordinary.   I’ve asked them to help me with some of the questions that you’re asking so I thought it would be good for you to know a bit about them.

Tomas is very shy.  He has a deep wisdom and a very kind heart.   He loves to learn and has his own library filled with books about plants, animals, birds, rocks, stars, music and most any subject you can imagine.  He helps to care for the animals and plants, keeping them strong and healthy and making medicine for them when they’re sick.

He Who Leaps Long is quite a wild and magical fellow.  He’s full of playfulness and mischief in a very good natured way.   I call him Leaps Long for short.  He comes from a very large family of wild Gnomes.  I can only imagine what kinds of mischief they get into when they’re all together.  When I’m with Tomas and Leaps Long, the day is filled with adventure and laughter.  Over time, Leaps Long has even managed to coax Tomas out of his shell. 

Leaps Long has a great love of the animals and often plays with the goats and snuggles next to the llamas at night to sleep.  He loves the rocks too.  One of the first things you may notice about him is that he doesn’t look anything like the Gnomes you may have seen in pictures.  He doesn’t wear a hat of any kind or traditional Gnome clothing and he loves to run around barefooted in his shorts (although he does wear pants and a sweater in the cold months.) 
It just goes to show that there are as many kinds of Gnomes as there are people.  The most wonderful thing about these two friends is that we’re very different in many ways and yet we complement each other beautifully and have a great love for one another. Perhaps you're lucky enough to have such friendships too.

Please join me in welcoming Tomas and Leaps Long.

Tomorrow Tomas will respond to a very thoughtful question we received about Peace.
Much love,

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Take time to Play!

Dear friends,

Did you know that the word “silly” in German, “selig” means Blessed?

Be Silly…. Be Blessed….. Spread Joy!

Peder and the Gnomes

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Dear friends,

Yesterday I received a message from a lovely woman named Sheryl who shared that her beloved elder friend had passed away.  She says that she feels very sad and wondered if there was anything she could do to make her heart feel lighter. 

I want to ask if all of you will join me in holding Sheryl and her friend and family in prayer during this wondrous passage.  There is so much comfort, strength and power in prayer, especially when our voices are joined together.  Our prayers are always heard and faithfully answered.  Thanks to each of you for this blessing.  It really is a great privilege to pray for one another.

It’s very natural to feel sadness when someone we love dies.  We miss their physical presence and yet we know that they have moved on to the next place, to heaven, and it’s all such an incredible mystery.  Thankfully we’ve been given this beautiful gift of memory which allows us to celebrate and re-member the times we’ve spent together.  It’s good to share our stories, our memories as in doing so we are not only blessing our loved one but ourselves and others.  This sharing of stories often brings a sense of gratitude and smile to our hearts and suddenly it seems that the sadness is infused with a tender happiness and joy.   I believe that’s one way the sadness can be transformed.

When a loved one has passed, it’s good to bless them on their journey, ask the angels to surround them and encourage them onward.   Ask the angels to surround you too and to give you comfort and strength. 

We’re here for such a short time to share our lives, to learn how to love, to be love and be loved and then onward and upward we go.  It’s quite amazing when you really pause for a moment to let your heart take it all in.

Blessings and deep peace to you dear Sheryl, and a heart full of gratitude to everyone for your love and prayers.

With Love and Immense Joy,
Peder and the Gnomes

Friday, February 15, 2013

Are Gnomes Real?

Dear friends,
Thank you for all of your lovely messages and questions.  It’s so wonderful to meet new friends.  Today I’d like to respond to one of the very first questions I received ~ Are Gnomes real?  And if they are real, why can’t we see them?  Those are very good questions and I’m sure some of you wonder about this.  Being a very real Gnome, I think I can answer them but it may take many words.

A very, very, very long time ago when our Great Creator first dreamed of the heavens and earth and began forming and creating and splashing colors on everything, Gnomes came into being right along with plants and stars and birds and four-legged ones and all living things on earth.   For as long as time began we’ve been helping the Creator care for the earth, the plants and animals, the trees and rocks, and yes, even the people.  So we are very real.
As to why you don’t see us, I think it is not so much a matter of being able to see us with your eyes (although many people do) but more a matter of being aware of our presence.  That awareness comes in many different ways for different people ~ through sight, sounds, touch, movement, an inner sense ~ you get the picture.  Many people believe in angels even though they don’t really see them.  Most often people say they feel or sense the presence of angels.  It is the same with us.  Those who are aware of us often sense our presence and we often make ourselves visible to those with gentle hearts.
I do want to explain that in very early times people could really see us.  There was a time when people had not only outer sight (seeing with their eyes) but they had inner sight as well (seeing with their heart.)  When we see with our heart we can see beyond what is directly in front of us to something deeper, to really the essence of everything.  When we look with our eyes, we notice the physical form such as the color or a person’s eyes, their facial features or their clothing.  When we see with our hearts, we see beyond the physical appearance and what we notice is the person’s essence, their goodness, their light, and the love that flows through them.   Isn’t that beautiful!

Even people who are seemingly unhappy, angry, or prickly on the outside have a goodness within them.  It’s just that it’s not been acknowledged because no one has noticed or taken the time to see and the person themself is often not aware so the goodness is hidden and has a hard time shining through.  It’s hard to hug a growling bear or a porcupine.  In the same way, when someone seems scary or prickly on the outside we don’t often take time to look beyond the dark eyes or the quills to see what treasure lies within.  Can you imagine how those prickly porcupine quills might soften if he didn’t feel he had to protect himself all the time because he knew he was loved.  Wow!
Over time, it seems that people began to look at life very seriously, and began seeing more with their outer sight and in doing so have forgotten how to truly see with their hearts.  When one sees only with their outer eyes it becomes more difficult to see us or believe that we’re real.   When one sees with their heart, they notice things like the birdsong, the scent of the flowers, the sun glistening on the water and sometimes they even see us.  Often times it is the children who are aware of us because their hearts are so open. 

So the next time you are outside, near the trees, lakes, mountains, flowers and such, take a moment to sit quietly and just pay attention.  You might see or feel or in other ways sense a little bit of activity.  We’re trying to get your attention.  Come often and sit with us.  Perhaps we will ask a bird friend to come and sing a song especially for you. Enjoy!
I hope I’ve answered your questions.
Everything is more visible, more beautiful when you see it with your heart!

Spread Joy!
Peder and the Gnomes

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Celebrate Love!

Greetings from Peder and the Gnomes!  We’re excited to launch this gathering space on this special day that our human friends celebrate LOVE ~ St Valentine’s Day.   Gnomes are all about LOVE so for us every day is a celebration of LOVE. 
Let me begin by telling you a bit about myself and this gathering place.  My name is Peder.  I live in the Northland with my fellow Gnomes and enjoy spending time near the lakes, among the  trees, rocks, flowers, the winged ones, four-legged ones, the leather-skinned ones and the ones who swim.  I love to hike, garden and craft things but most of all I love painting pictures.   Of course, I have a special place in my heart for the angels too, as all Gnomes do, and so you will find them here with us.
My fellow Gnomes and I, along with the faeries and other nature spirits have been noticing how busy and serious our human friends are.  We thought this gathering space might be a good way of encouraging you to take a deep breath, shake off the worries and to open to the beauty that surrounds you so that your hearts will be filled with JOY.  We Gnomes believe that JOY shared is transformed into LOVE so we’re here to encourage you to SPREAD JOY!
We hope you’ll find this to be a place of inspiration, solace, humor, delight and so much more.   We plan to share stories, poems, artwork, jokes and such and we invite you to share as well.  You can do so by emailing   Please include your name or other information so that your sharing can be credited appropriately as you wish. 
Feel free to ask any questions you may have about Gnomes or Angels or other topics.  We’re confident we can answer most any question you might have about Gnomes, and Angels.  We’ll do our best with other questions and from time to time we may need the input of others so we might just ask for your thoughts.  Please send your questions to
The angels have asked us to send you a special message today too.  They want you to know that they’re surrounding each one of you with protection, healing, peace and love.  You can call on them any time.  They’re waiting to assist you.
We are with you too and are doing our best to draw your attention to the beauty that surrounds us all.  Our wish is that your hearts will sing and dance and overflow with happiness.  There is so much beauty in the world and so much to be grateful for.
Remember to Spread Joy!
Peder and the Gnomes

Friday, February 8, 2013