Saturday, March 16, 2013

What Gnomes Know

Dear Friends,

It seems like a very long time since I last wrote to you and much has happened since then.  My delay in writing has been due only to my helper’s computer being infected with a virus sent by someone unknown.  Such things are hard for Gnomes to understand.  Thankfully, all is well and I’m in the midst of responding to your emails. 

Today I thought I’d answer this very interesting note from Frost O. Whiskers who writes: 

             I can’t help but notice that new Pope Francis drew his name

          from  St Francis of Assisi, whom you discussed recently. 

          Do gnomes know all?

Just wondering,
            Frost on the Whiskers”


Well dear Frost,

What a delightful name you have!  Our names are very meaningful as they reflect something of who we are.  When I read your name I immediately had the impression that you’re very light-hearted and wise.  I’m curious how your name was chosen. Were you born on a crisp winter day?

To answer your question, Gnomes experience learning as a life-long process and we cannot begin to “know all.”  In fact, the more I learn, the more I come to realize how very little I know.  Everything around us is so vast, ever changing and full of such mystery.  I find that it is more important to ask “good” questions than to seemingly have the “right” answers. 

Although we don’t know much about the Pope, we do have a special love of St Francis, our beloved Cesco.   He is beloved in part because of his simple way of being, his deep compassion and his infinite love of nature.  Did you know that he considered everything in nature as his brothers and sisters ~ the birds and fishes and even us Gnomes.  He saw the Holiness in absolutely everything!   And although he went through times of great struggle he was a man who was filled with great joy.  

Wouldn’t it be something if the new Pope were to truly emulate his namesake?

Wouldn’t it be something if we all tried to be a little more like St Francis?

Thank you for “wondering,” and for sharing your delightful name.

       Be filled with kindness…Love nature…See the Holiness in everything

                                              Spread Joy!

            Peder and the Gnomes

      p.s.  Here are some of the things that Gnomes know:

Love makes our hearts light up.

We are more alike than different.

A smile is a wonderful gift.

We are never alone.

The Simple things are often the most important.

We leave footprints where ever we go.

Laughter is good medicine.

Everything looks different when you see with your heart.

Kindness ripples out into the world.

The journey is shorter with friends.

Stars shine brightest in the dark.

It is good to take time to play.

It is important to care for all of the earth.

One person can make a difference.

Love heals everything.


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