Friday, February 22, 2013

Having a Positive Outlook

Dear friends,

I’ve been overjoyed by your emails and want to thank you.  Keep watch as I’ll include your questions and sharing soon. 

The question today is:  How can you keep a positive outlook when there are so many difficult challenges in the world?

Well, I think keeping a positive outlook has to do with a variety of things. 
In part it is a matter of perspective (how we view things, or what we chose to focus on.) 

Some of it is about perception (the impressions we have or what we sense about a situation or experience and the meaning or understanding we give it based on how we see it.)
And much of keeping a positive outlook is a matter of how we choose to respond.  I believe that for everything we encounter, we can choose to respond from a place of Love, Compassion, Creative solutions and Joyful anticipation (HOPE) or…. we can choose to react with fear, anxiety, resistance, self- protection.

Here are some suggestions that may help:

When you are afraid or overwhelmed or uncertain, try looking at things from a different perspective.

Consider your beliefs (much of how we see the world has to do with what we believe.)   Can we let go of old ideas and preconceived notions and look with fresh eyes.  Are we in touch with what is True?  Can we take in the BIG picture and “see” with all of our senses?  What would it be like to really “see” with an open heart without judging what we see or experience as right or wrong, good or bad, valuable or without worth?

You can choose at any moment how you want to respond.  Does your response light the way for greater understanding, connection and healing or does it build walls of separation? 

Think of every response in thought, word or action as a seed you are planting.  Are you planting seeds of Love, Compassion, Understanding, Acceptance, Joy…? 

                         See from a new perspective..... Be fully Present.....
                                                     Sow Love.....

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